Treatment Plexr Plus

em clinic offer Plexr/Plasma Pen in Guelph, a device used to tighten and rejuvenate the skin without the cost and downtime of an actual surgery.

Plexr Plus plasma device is a tightening and rejuvenation treatment. It is a revolutionary non-invasive way to address mild to moderately loose skin without the cost and downtime of actual surgery. It also combats fine lines wrinkles and hooded. This device aims to give you a more radiant and more youthful appearance.

For those looking to rejuvenate their skin or non-surgical Blepharoplasty, em clinic offers the Plexr Plus treatment in Guelph near you.

Results are fast with minimal side effects.

It can be used to treat various parts of your body, not just the face. It can be used on your arms, forearms, hands, knees, lower legs, inner and outer thighs, tummy, breast. It can be used to treat the following areas:

It can address the following issues:

How Does Plexr Plus Work?

With age, the dermal layer, which is the inner layer of the skin, begins to thin out. This inhibits collagen production. Because collagen is the structural protein of the skin, collagen loss can result in lower elasticity, the formation of wrinkles, and sagging. 

The Plexr Plus Plasma Pen treatment uses electrostatic energy to address these issues. It sublimates the targeted areas of the skin, causing it to contract leaving you with smooth skin.

How Long Do Results Last?

Results are evident immediately after the treatment. However, the final results may be visible a few weeks after the procedure. Effects can last for 3 plus years, while for many, it can be permanent.

What Are the Benefits of Plexr Plus?

Take full advantage of the rejuvenating treatment that Plexr Plus device offers in Canada by getting in touch with em clinic at 519.668.7449. Book your appointment today!

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Clinic Hours

At em clinic, rejuvenation is our priority and results are our focus. We strive to reverse the signs of aging so that you can look and feel your best.

  • Monday to Friday : 10am – 6pm
  • Saturday and Sunday : Closed

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