What Is the Best Skin Care Routine for My Skin Type?

What Is the Best Skin Care Routine for My Skin Type?


Are you wondering which skincare products work best for you? Or how many steps you should include in your skincare routine?

Having multiple options for skincare can be very overwhelming. Asking your friends and family for their suggestions might be easy, but their own regimen might not be as effective for you.

To solve this dilemma, you must first figure out your skin type. Knowing your skin type can help you determine exactly what your skin needs and where it needs it. It will help you identify the products and steps that can provide you with the best results.

Basic Skincare Routine

Choose the right products

Various types of skincare routines feature a seemingly endless selection of products you can use. The abundance of options can make it confusing, but don’t fret. There is a basic skincare routine you can follow that can be used for all skin types:

  • Cleanser – This washes dirt and oil from your face.
  • Serum – This gives your face the concentrated nutrients you need.
  • Moisturizer – This hydrates your face.
  • Sunscreen – This protects your face from the sun’s UV rays.

Skin Types and the Recommended Skincare

Skin type depends on the individual’s genetics. Once you’ve found the right skincare regimen, you can stick with it for as long as you want or need. here are daily skincare routines you can follow at home:

  • Normal Skin

Gentle cleansers are good

As the name implies, this type refers to “normal” and well-hydrated skin. This skin type does not tend to have excess shine and it is neither too dry, flaky, nor too oily. Pores are fine and barely visible. It has minimal issues with sensitivity. Its texture is smooth and soft, and skin tone is uniform throughout with little to no blemishes.

Skincare Advice

Having normal skin means having to maintain that balance your skin has already achieved. We recommend you to use:

    • Cleanser – Use a gentle cleanser at morning and night to avoid damaging your skin and making it feel tight after washing.
    • Toner – Apply toner in the morning and at night to remove any excess dirt and restore your skin’s pH balance.
    • Serum – Apply serum at night for additional important ingredients for your skin.
    • Moisturizer – Apply moisturizer in the morning and night, as this will hydrate your skin.
    • Sunscreen – Use sunblock in the morning and protect your skin from the rays of the sun.
  • Dry Skin

Keep your skin hydrated by applying moisturizer

This type of skin produces the least amount of sebum or oil, compared to the other skin types. Your pores are almost invisible and your skin has less elasticity. Other characteristics include flakiness, more visible lines, the presence of red patches and a rough and dull complexion.

Dry Skin Types

Dry skin type can belong to either:

  • Mildly Dry – People with mildly dry skin experience a tight feeling on their skin. Also, their skin shows dullness due to the accumulation of dead skin cells.
  • Very Dry – People with very dry skin are prone to redness and flakiness. Their skin tone is not uniform, as drier skin tends to be darker.
  • Extremely Dry – People who have extremely dry skin experience prolonged itchiness, flakiness, and their skin tends to form calluses.
Skincare Advice

If you have dry skin, your main objective should be to keep your skin hydrated. Here is a skincare routine for dry skin:

    • Cleanser – Use a cleansing lotion in the morning and at night that is designed for dry skin.
    • Toner – Apply toner in the morning and evening to restore moisture.
    • Serum – Use an antioxidant serum in the morning that can help prevent collagen breakdown. Use retinol serum at night to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.
    • Eye Cream – Use eye cream at night to boost collagen activity in the eye area.
    • Moisturizer – Apply hydrating moisturizer int the morning and evening to retain your skin’s moisture.
    • Sunscreen – Apply sunblock with argan oil in the morning to both hydrate skin and protect it from the sun.
  • Oily Skin

Manage breakouts

It is normal for the skin to produce oil to keep itself moisturized. However, oily skin can overdo that task. If you have oily skin, you would have visibly larger pores, which would be more active in secreting oil. This results in having an oily film on your face. This also means you frequently suffer from breakouts and have blackheads and pimples.

Skincare Advice

If you have oily skin, you need to take control of the excess sebum your skin produces. With this in mind, your routine should include the following:

    • Cleanser – Use a gentle cleanser designed for oily skin twice a day, morning and night. This removes excess sebum without being too harsh on the skin.
    • Toner – Apply an alcohol-free toner in the morning and evening to help remove oil without drying out your skin.
    • Serum – At night, use a serum with alpha-hydroxy acids (AHA) or beta-hydroxy acids (BHA), which helps to minimize large pores.
    • Moisturizer – Use an oil-free and light moisturizer that can help hydrate your skin.
    • Sunscreen – Use zinc oxide sunscreen in the morning for light skin protection.
  • Combination Skin

Having combination skin means dealing with a mix of normal, dry, and oily skin. Some parts of the face can be normal or dry, while other parts are oily. An example of this would be having an oily T-zone, i.e. forehead, nose, and chin.

Skincare Advice

Having combination skin means having to address each part of your face with different ingredients. With this, here is a skincare routine for combination skin:

    • Cleanser – Use cleansing gel at morning and night.
    • Toner – Use a toner with witch hazel at morning and night to balance your face’s pH level.
    • Moisturizer – Use light moisturizer in the morning and at night.
    • Serum – Use a serum with salicylic acid at night for clear skin.
    • Sunscreen – Apply zinc oxide sunscreen in the morning for skin protection without shine.
  • Sensitive Skin

Skin sensitivity can lead to conditions

Skin sensitivity describes how quickly the skin reacts to the products applied to it. Your skin is prone to inflammation, itching, and stinging. It is also dry and has some redness. Those with sensitive skin are prone to acne and rosacea, an inflammatory skin condition that often affects the face.

With sensitive skin, it is important to find the right products to avoid your skin from reacting negatively.

Skincare Advice
  • Cleanser – Use a sulphate-free cleanser in the morning and evening to remove dirt and oil.
  • Toner – Use alcohol-free toner in the morning and at night to remove excess dirt and prevent skin from inflammation.
  • Moisturizer – Use fragrance-free moisturizer twice daily, morning and night, to moisturize the skin without irritating it.
  • Sunscreen – Use zinc oxide sunscreen in the morning to protect sensitive skin.

It is important to look after your skin’s health. However, you must know more about your skin before using any product on it. By knowing your skin type, you can establish the right skincare routine that will maintain your skin health and allow you to give your skin the care it needs.

We here at em clinic are here for you if you need products, treatments, and other services to help preserve the health and appearance of your skin. Our team offers excellent skincare treatments that will help nourish and protect your skin. To contact us, please call (519) 668-7449. You can also email us at sarah@emclinicandspa.com.

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